CELEBRATE – Stewardship & 2017 HOF

On October 30, 2020 the Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club will celebrate its 90th Anniversary
and induct seven new members into the Hall of Fame. The event will be at the White Eagle
Event and Convention Center in Niles, Illinois. Be sure to save the date. Look for event
details on NBGC’s website, social media posts, emails and other sources.

This blog entry highlights the 2017 Hall of Fame inductees (below is a link to the
program for that occasion). We also take time to celebrate our Board of Directors and
their stewardship of the Club over the years.  We include links to our Monkeyshines
and Alumni Chatter-. Enjoy the memories . . . but more importantly, make plans with
your family and friends to join your teammates for a wonderful night to celebrate the NBGC!

Tickets to the 90th Anniversary and Hall of Fame
Celebration are on sale now and can be purchased online at:

​A Seat At The table-
Since it’s founding in 1931, the NBGC has had a Board of Directors to guide the Club through the decades. The Board insures we stay true to our vision- a club for kids, run by kids, where everybody plays- and our Mission- “To enhance the well-being and develop the potential of our club members, their families, and the community For Better Men & Women”. It also makes sure the Club is always on firm financial and legal footing; that we are growing and enhancing the kids’ experiences; and we are adapting to and embracing the everchanging culture.

The Board has four officers that make up the Executive Committee. Currently, they are:
President-  Hall of Famer Tom Van Den Bosch
Vice-President- Todd Beeson
Secretary- Lori Novak
Treasurer- Diane Kelly
The Executive Committee works closely with Executive Director Jeff Sadowski and the staff to support the day-to-day operations of the Club.

The Board consists of from twelve to twenty-four members, generally serving a three year term, and they meet five times a year.

But much of the work of the Board happens in the committees, meeting about once a month:

Program– overseeing sports, clubhouse activities and afterschool/summer programs.
Resource Development– evaluating our current fundraising events and looking for new opportunities.
Finance– overseeing the annual budget, our funds and investments,  and compliance with financial standards.
Marketing– defining our brand, keeping us true to it and presenting the Club to the public.
Technology– updating our servers and systems, securing our data and insuring our compliance with industry
         standards. Also working to preserve our documents, publications and history.
Personnel– updating employee manuals and job descriptions, and keeping up with human resources best practices.
Compensation– insuring the staff’s pay and benefits are fair and competitive.
Property– maintaining the building and grounds, and administering capital improvements.
Scholarship– overseeing the raising and distribution of scholarship funds; interviewing and selecting candidates.
Alumni– our liaison with former members and stewards of the annual Golf Outing.
Nominating– soliciting and vetting potential new Board members.
Parent’s Club Representative– keeping us in touch with our members’ families.
There are also numerous sub-committees and special event committees.

When our Executive Director, Jeff Sadowski, joined the NBGC in 2016, our Board was about at the minimum of twelve members. He quickly revitalized the Board, bringing it up to the current level of (about) twenty three. And, he re-energized the committees, helping them become more focused and productive.
Additionally, Jeff created an Associate Board of community members to help us expand our reach and increase our impact-
Associate Board Roles & Responsibilities (click)

The Club’s By-laws require the Board’s make-up to be a mixture of former members, current families and outside community members. Our Board members bring a wide array of personal experiences, professional skills, a legacy of service and an allegiance to our history.

You can support the Club by taking a seat at the table. Join the Board or serve on one of the committees- share your voice, advocate for your vision and express your passion.
Contact Jeff to find out more.

John Chambers
John’s family was NBGC from start to finish- Uncle Dan Lydon played in the 30’s; John was a Tarantula in the 50’s; his sons became members; and he was a long time Board Member and a Board President.
Cooney Family
Peggy Cooney wanted her kids to join the NBC so she convinced the Club to extend the boundaries! And join they did- there were Cooney’s in every sport and every activity.
Dolores Stahl
Former Board member
Thanks from the Mothers (click)
2000 eggs (click)
Beat Me Daddy Eight to the Bar (click below)