Many Neighborhood Boys Club (NBC, subsequently the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club) Alumni served our country during World War II. Their experience as NBC members unified them throughout the challenges they faced in the War. This in part was accomplished through NBC publication called the Service Paper.
As the Service Paper gained popularity, lists of NBC alumni that were missing in action or killed were circulated. Parents and friends provided information to ensure that all former NBC members were sent updates about their friends fighting in other places.
Letters came from all over the world. NBC alumni would share their experiences in the war, writing into the Service Paper with updates about themselves, meeting fellow alumni overseas, and expressing sympathies and remembrances of alumni who were killed in action.
The Monkeyshine, a publication NBGC still publishes each week, also reported on the war. The Monkeyshine is a weekly paper circulated to current members and written by current members. The content includes game scores and what is happening at the clubhouse. During the war, it also gave death notices and updates on the alumni that were involved in the war effort. The Monkeyshine continued on to report about servicemen in later years and subsequent wars.
The Service Paper was such an inspiration to NBC alum throughout that world that it was the impetus for the start of the NBC Alumni Association, which is now known as the NBGC Alumni Association. There are over 10,000 NBC and NBGC alumni, living all across the United States.
Dick Valentin announced the start of the Service Paper publication in a letter to the alum’s parents.
Letters came from all over the world. NBC alumni would share their experiences in the war, writing into the Service Paper with updates about themselves, meeting fellow alumni overseas, and expressing sympathies and remembrances of alumni who were killed in action.
Joyce, Martin 12-25-1942 (Great Honor)
Baumhart- Letter to Former NBC members
The Service Paper was such an inspiration to NBC alum throughout that world that it was the impetus for the start of the NBC Alumni Association. Former President Baumhart proposes the beginning of the NBC Alumni Association.
NBGC Alumni World War II Booklet
You can now view all of the service papers, which were compiled into a booklet decades after the war.